Greetings! and welcome to Beyond Reality, a wellspring of information for
bibliophiles of a more outlandish sort. Here, arrayed in all their splendor, lie
over five thousand books of the Science Fiction and Fantasy persuasion. The reason for this
vast collection? To argue over which is better, of course. What could be more fun
than that? This collection is engineered so that anyone may vote on any book, on a
scale of one to ten, thereby exalting their personal favorites and consigning those
less worthy titles to numeric perdition. Then, as if that weren't enough fun, the
results of these voting frenzies are tabulated and posted, both individually, next to
each title, and collectively, in a variety of ranked lists, to see which singular
books emerge victorious over all their peers. The purpose of it all? Well,
other than to keep the maintainer entertained, it serves as a massive suggestion
list. See a book of stellar ranking that you haven't read before? Well, perhaps
it's time to give it a shot. Seen a book you've been thinking of getting, but find
it wallowing in the lowest depths of scoredom, consigned there by numerous people?
Perhaps another title would be preferable. Or, if feeling particularly adventurous,
you could read it anyway, find it to be a great book, and do your part to shine some
positive light on a falsely blighted work. Overall, the goal is simply to have fun,
agree with some ratings, scoff at others, post your own, just have a good time,
and share your reading wisdom with your peers, around the globe.
If you're a newcomer, or would just like some more detailed information on the ranking, then click here.
Otherwise, on to the collection!