| Nick |
Number of Lines |
Random Quote |
1 |
Zechs_M |
   8764 |
"then why'd you buy it? :P" |
2 |
^aenea^ |
   5718 |
"oh, i saw shaft yesterday" |
3 |
duo_m |
   4405 |
"hey, check out goog's page" |
4 |
twilight- |
  3710 |
"i'm getting my tounge piereced" |
5 |
Ashandare |
   3576 |
"you should get that Cysco box we have in our office..." |
6 |
mooglez |
   2472 |
"read that already :)" |
7 |
rainbows |
   2292 |
"melissa renee boyd, brandon james parker" |
8 |
^Barret^ |
  1370 |
"upload them to the server that i gave you a shell on" |
9 |
trowa |
 1067 |
"I HATE rats... they make me CRAZY!" |
10 |
XP-BigDog |
  856 |
"what kinda anime is that" |
11 |
LittleDem |
  685 |
"who gets better grades. You or me?" |
12 |
treize |
 591 |
"Demandred shall not be Nae'blis." |
13 |
Mirya |
  589 |
"anyone know any good exercise tapes?" |
14 |
anaya |
 580 |
"you wearing them now?" |
15 |
Aiel |
 493 |
"I finally bought vagrant story" |
16 |
Quatre_W |
 471 |
"I'm not (that) insane, then" |
17 |
HrMortcia |
 441 |
"sal's really a woman!" |
18 |
berdeine |
361 |
"your site? and where is it..?" |
19 |
Sergious |
 308 |
"You gonna play as well, boyo?" |
20 |
tallanvor |
289 |
"look on the bad side" |
21 |
Valere |
 248 |
"er not yet... but i wouldn't mind anything eggy :)" |
22 |
satan` |
 244 |
"i have root on a t3 =)" |
23 |
Bela |
  215 |
"what can I do for you Zechs_M" |
24 |
Carewyn |
 170 |
"because in the middle of our summer is christmas and new ..." |
25 |
Faerie |
134 |
"i choose not to spell correctly" |
26 |
Muridae |
128 |
"hey, the orig. price was $99 per" |
27 |
EvlScholr |
105 |
"I want to go pissing!" |
28 |
Einhander |
100 |
"Not really, I just enjoy talking through your bot here." |
- ^Barret^ couldn't decide whether to stay or go and joined channel #pretender 96 times during this reporting period..
- Ashandare really wanted others to know what was doing - 444 descriptions alltogether.
- Sample:
- [16:08] * Ashandare couldn't find an example of his "editing", so he's going with one done completely on computer.
- The evil guard of channel #pretender was Bela who got this reputation after kicking out 13 persons.
- Sample:
- [21:43] <rainbows> gues not, thanks ashy
- [21:43] *** rainbows has been kicked off channel #pretender by Bela (flood)
- Also twilight- tried to look cool and kicked out 6 persons..
- rainbows didn't get it on the first time and got kicked out for 6 times...
- Sample:
- [20:06] <rainbows> e u 2
- [20:06] *** rainbows has been kicked off channel #pretender by Bela (flood)
- Runner-up: twilight- - got 4 kicks.
- twilight- knew those right words and said "lol" for 56 times...
- Loudest one was HrMortcia with yell percentage of 18%!
- twilight- had many things uncertain - 18% of lines contained a question.
- ..and silver medal goes to Muridae - with question ratio of 17%.
- Zechs_M spoke most monologues - wrote over 5 lines in a row for 105 times..
- Runner-up auto-chatter: rainbows - spoke 48 times with himself..
- berdeine wrote longest lines - average of 58 letters per line.
- Average line length on channel #pretender was 27 letters.
List of persons with most nicknames (They just couldn't find the right one..) |
Carewyn - 4 Nicks | Carewyn(86%), Careshowa(10%), ChowFat(3,5%), ChowYungF(0,6%) |
Ashandare - 3 Nicks | Ashandare(99%), ashand(0,3%), ashrr(0,3%) |
duo_m - 3 Nicks | duo_m(58%), duo(42%), dum_m(0,1%) |
^Barret^ - 3 Nicks | ^Barret^(95%), ^B^(4,7%), ^B2^(0,2%) |
satan` - 3 Nicks | satan`(51%), salman(49%), salman_(0,0%) |
| |