Welcome to our Robot’s homepage. This site is intended to make our work available to anyone and everyone interested in our progress. During our senior year, we rigorously applied the breadth and depth of our educations to this robotics project and, in doing so, have learned an immeasurable amount. Now, after the completion of the first iteration, we have seen our design's realization take shape and have fully entered the testing, validation, and revision phase.

My name is Michael Carr. I work as a mechanical engineer for Electroimpact, where I design and build aerospace tooling. I also occasionally work as a consultant for Coroware, where I design the robotic platforms they use to develop and demonstrate their systems integration software. In April of 2005 I earned dual Bachelor of Science degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science from Henry Cogswell College, graduating at the top of my class. In my spare time, what precious little there is, I enjoy sailing, martial arts, metalworking, and welding.
My partner is the lovely Christina Welk. She currently works as a software engineer for Implicit Networks, where she designs and impliments media management software. She also earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Cogswell in April of 2005, graduating Summa cum Laude. She was one of my very few academic rivals, and I was grateful to have her assistance with this ambitious project. She even managed to balance her academic excelence in her college years with a rigerous internship at Portal Player.

To date, we have devoted over 1500 hours to this project and have generated a tremendous amount of material documenting our progress. Included below are links to a number of gallery pages, which are still being updated. As we progress, we'll be snapping pictures of anything we deem picture-worthy and posting them here. Also below are the documents that make up our final report, which were submitted for evaluation at the conclusion of each phase of Senior Design Project, as well as the Microsoft Powerpoint files used during our presentations. If you have any questions or comments on any of the materials presented here, please contact me at mike@eigenspace.net.