Build Log, Day 12 (02.01.2005)
First things first -- time to get that template I spent so long on last night all laminated down to my table. This worked great for the side panels, so I'm going to do it again. I'm going to have to mount some more weld nuts because this panel is so much bigger, but I'll save that little project until I'm welding something else too. Everything looks like it fits just right -- I designed the table based on this part, and it's just big enough. |
Now it's time for one more fit check: one between my side panels and the top panel template. All the bolt holes line up just right, and it looks like everything else is dimensioned just right as well. Time to move forward. |
Well, I just realized that I've worked for nearly two hours and not taken a single picture. That would make for quite a short build day report, so I'm going to play a little catch up. So far, I've cut and brushed several pieces, just exactly in the same way as I'm about to do this one. I wish I'd pictured a slightly more interesting piece, but I'm calling it quits soon, so it's this or nothing. You're looking at the last roughly seven inches of a ten foot steel tube. I need a six inch piece with square edges, so this fits the bill just right. The following is the process I used for all the pieces I cut today. |
First, I wrap a template around the steel, and mark the edge. This isn't really necessary for square edges, but with the other pieces this was a crucial part in getting a good fit. |
Then, I simply clamp it down to the chop saw work surface, lining the mark up with the saw blade. To get a clean cut, I'd usually clamp the other side of the member to the angle iron scrap on the side using a pair of vice grip pliers, but because this little piece is just going into the trash, there's no need. |
The next step, as you might expect, is cutting. Not a lot to explain here. Grab the handle, push the button. |
Then I take the cut piece and brush it. This takes the burrs off the cut ends, removes the mill scale and oxidization, and puts a good surface finish on the steel. The right half of this piece has been brushed. |
Finally, I check each piece against my master template to make sure it fits right. This one is just fine. This step is much more important on the angled pieces, but it's a good final check regardless. |
Here's the 13 pieces that I cut and brushed today. Not bad for two hours work. |
Thirteen down, seventeen to go. Once I'm done cutting all the pieces, I'll have to grind them to final fit, clamp them down, and start welding. Maybe on Thursday I'll pull a long day and see if I can get it all done. |
End, Build day #12 (02.01.2005) |
Progress: |
Laminated template to table. Cut and brushed thirteen members. |
Time: |
2 hours |
Total Time: |
59 hours |
Next Steps: |
Cut and brush additional members. Grind to final fit. Clamp and weld. |
Status: |
On schedule |